Thursday, October 14, 2004

Everybody Runs

Yesterday I saw Minority Report for the first time. Nothing unusual in that, you might say. But then this was my 11th attempt to watch this movie.

It is a long and sad story.Me and my friend Akshay had decided to go watch the movie way back in SYJC. So we went to the theater (Alka, I think) to watch it. That day, however, the theater had sold out (which is pretty unusual for Alka). So, not knowing that this was just the beginning of a sick little game Fate was playing with us, we set off for the theater again the next week. But, as we got there, we realised we did not have enough money for the tickets, and had to go back home again. By the next week, the movie had left theaters (but, as the papers hadnt taken cognisance of this, we made another wasted trip to Alka). So we tried to borrow a VCD. We were able to see half the movie, but the second CD just wouldnt play. So we rented another VCD, from another library. Unbelievably, this one wouldnt play either. Well, I thought, we'll just wait for it to come on TV. In March, it did. It premiered the day before my Economics exam. I had to console myself with seeing half of it once again. The next time it came on TV, the MSEB decided to honour us with a power cut.. And the next time, our beloved cable operator chose that very moment for a cessation of his services. And the next time, my TV decide to stop working. And then Akshay and I made another failed VCD attempt (the lights went off at his house this time).

Afetr finally seeing the movie, my joy knew no bounds. I had survived Fate's vendetta against me! I had overcome two years of bad luck. I had proved that with perseverance, anything is possible. And I totally hated the movie.


Blogger Nikhil said...

Ha ha ..
But don't 'misunderestimate' the Kubrickian power of the Minority report to evoke a feeling of futuristic persecuton.

4:36 AM  
Blogger Kunal said...

Oh come on, its an awesome movie. You probably didnt like it because of your numerous failed attempts to see it in one go.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Kunal said...

Yeah it could be that after waiting so long, I imagined the movie to be spectacularly excellent, which it wasnt.

2:18 AM  

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